Damiir Xumo!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Isdhaxyaac Maamuleedka Dowlada Soomaaliya

Astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliya
Sidaan wada oganahayba waxaa jira qawaaniin iyo sharuuc kala asteeysa howl maamuleed kasta oo jira, isla markaane xaduudaysa dhamaan waax/qeyb kasta shaqadeeda u gaarka ah ee markaasi loo igmaday . arintaas oo looga goleeyaha in dhamaan shaqada  sihufan oo jahwareer ku jirin looguto, waxay sidoo kale sahleysaa in ujeedkii iyo hadafkii laga lahaa howshaas ku dhamaato guul iyo waqtigii logu talo galay, Is-dhaxyaacu waa cadawga kowaad ee hor-istaaga kala socoshada dhamaan howl maamuuleedka laga doonayo natiijo wax ku ooleh waqti cayiman.
Ujeedka qoraalka ayaa waxuu yahay inaan iftiimiyo dhamaan meelaha ay ka jiraan isdhax-yaaca maameleed ka jiraan iyo wax keenaya arintaas manta jirta oo noqotay mida kaliye ee hortaagan hore usocodka iyo ka mira-dhalinta dhamaan howlaha horyaala hay’adaha dowlada feredaalka soomaaliya ee maanta shaqeeynaya.  Sida  muuqata waxaa jira iska marqab la’aan baahsan u dhaxeeysa dhaman wasaaraddaha dowlada iyo waaxyaha hoos-imaada, waxaa sidoo kale jirin xariir howled dhaxal gal ah, arintaas ayaa waxaa sabab u ah hogaaan xume baahsan oo ka jirto dadka ugu sareeya hayadahah dowlada talada ka go’do iyo aqoon la’aan xaga maamulka ah oo ka jirta guud ahaan hayadahaha dowlada iyo shaqaalahoda u qaabilsan fulinta shaqada.

Waxaad sidoo kale aad arkaysaa oo la’ayaab leh iyadoo shaqo laga rabay wasaarrad ka mid ah dowlada oo wasaarada kale ku mashquulsantahay qabashada howlahaas aan ahayn waxii loo igmaday,  Hadaan tusaale usoo qaato; waxaa dhawanahan saxaafada soomaaliya baahisay amaro adag uu bixiyey madaxa hay’ada amiga iyo sirdoonka soomaliya oo ku sheegay in dhamaan meelaha laga soo galo magaalada muqdish aay noqon donaan dhowr goobood iyo sidoo kale sharuudo adag duldhigay shacabka kabaxaya magaalada iyo kuwa soogala, amaradaas oo ah kuwo aanan laga soo fakirin isla markaane kasoo bixin meshaa awooda u laheyd ama howlahaas u xilsaarneyd dowlada.

Hadaba yaa bixini karo amarka nocaas oo kale ah, ma madax haayad amni mise wasaarada arimaha gudahaha, mida kale away wasiirkii arimahaas la rabay inuu ka hadlo, ayadoo aan oganahay in hayadda amniga hoos imaado wasaarada arimaha  difaaca lakiin hadane waax kamid ah waaxyahaha wasaarada arimaha gudahaha oo aanan kaligeeyd ka gaari Karin go’aanka inataas la eg, go’aankaas oo u bahaan in lagala tashado dhamaan qolyahaha ay kusaayso arintaan sida wasaarada arimaha gudaha.
Hadane hadii hay’adaha  ama wasaarad ka mid ah wasaaradaha dowlada go’aan gareeyso waxaa laga maarmaan ah in go’aankaas lug ku yeshaan dhamaan dhinacyada ay ku qusayso arintaas, dhinac yadaas ayaa noqon kara wasaraado kale iyo gudiga barlamaanka u qaabilsan amniga iyo arimaha gudahaha.  Tusaale ahaan; Arinta noocan oo kale ah waxaa marka kowaad laga rabaa in amaradaas kasoo baxaan wasaarada arimaha gudaha, wasaarada arimaha gudahaha waa inaay ogeysiisaa hayadaha amaanka ee hoos yimaada wasaarada difaaca, wadatashi iyo falanqeyn lagu sameeyaa amaradaas iyo dhibaada iyo faa’ida uu yeelan karo shacabka gobtaas ku nool, iyadoo laga eegayo saameyn dhaqaale, arimaha bulshada uu sameeyn doono mustaqbalka.
waxaa nasiib daro ah in waax ka mida ah wasaarad amar intaas la eg duldhigto dad shacab ah, arintaan waxay cadaayn u tahay inay jirto isdhax-yaac ku dhisan aqoon daro maamuleed iyo dano shaqsi. Dhibaatada kale ee is-dhaxyaaca xaga maamulka keenay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah ayadoo masuuliyiinta xililka haya aaysanba ogeeyn maqaamkooda iyo awooda maamuleed, waxaa dhacday marar badan oo aad arkaysaa in wasiiro la kulmaya masuuliyiin ka socdo NGOs, Hayadaha gargaarka ayadoo joogaan dhigooda wasaarada, sida madax waaxeedka qabilsan arintaas, laakin midaas badalkeeda aad arkaaysid inay jirto arinta ah yaan lagaga hormarin la kulanka masuuliyiinta.
Sababta ugu badan ee keenaya is-dhaxyaacaan ka jira hayadaha dowlada ayaa waxaa kow ka ah musuq-maasuqa baahsan eek u dhisan shaqsida laga soo bilaawo wasiirka ilaa shaqaalaha ugu hoseeya maamulka iyo damiir la’aanta, dabacsaanta ka jirta qabashada shaqada qaranka, la xisaabtan la’aanta dhunsashada hantida shacabka, sidaan horay usoo sheegayba waxaa jirin shaqaalo u dhisan howshaas, iyadoo aan oganahay qaabka lagu keenay shaqada. Intaas oo dhibaato ayadoo ka jirto hayadahaha dowlada ayaa hadane waxaan jirin dadaalkii laga rabay masuuliyiinta iska sareeyn sidii loo hormarin lahaa aqoonta shaqaalahooda.
Talo Soo jeedin
Waxaan u soo jeedinayaa masuuliyiinta xilka qaranka haya inay iska dhafaan ku mashquulka howlaha ka baxsan waxii loo igmaday iyo arintaan ah maxaa iga galay aniga bari waan ka tagayaa shadaan aan maanta hayo, ogow waxaad u shaqeeyneyso waa dhamaan shacabka soomaliyeed adigane aad ka mid tahay, waaxaa wanaagsan in shaqsi kale shaqo aad u qaban laheyd qaranka aadan dartiis u dhaaftid adigoo ku xumaaynaya dano shaqsi oo idin ka dhaxeeya.
W/Q Mohamed H. Abdirahman (MPA)
Mr.Abdirahman Waa Qoraa, Cilmibaare ka tirsan Xarunta Muqdisho ee Cilmibaarista & Daraasaadka.

Friday, October 9, 2015

8 Toxic Types of People You Should Keep Out of Your Life

Toxic individuals are completely exhausting to be around and they can have a negative impact on your forward momentum. Entrepreneurs need to remain laser focused -- the distractions and stress that toxic people bring into your life act as unnecessary obstacles, so it is best to avoid them.
You probably know a few toxic people -- they might work for you, you might be friends with some or you might even live with someone toxic. The sooner you remove them from your life, the better. Here are eight toxic types of people you should steer clear of.

1. Those who are judgmental

Judgmental people will find a way to criticize anything and everything they come in contact with. You could take the time to explain something to them in great detail but it goes in one ear and out the other. They come to their conclusions before they hear any facts -- they don’t listen well and are horrible at communicating. Asking for advice or feedback from a judgmental person is a complete waste of time.

2. Those who are envious 

Being an entrepreneur can be a very bumpy journey filled with highs and lows -- while it’s important to have a strong group of supporters in your corner during the low times it’s also important to have supporters that are there to congratulate you when you hit the high points. Envious people will not be happy for you -- ever. They feel that it should happen to them and nobody else. 

3. Those who are control freaks

Control freaks don’t ever want to listen -- they don’t have to, because according to them they know everything and they know the best way to do everything. While this type of person can be a nuisance in your personal life, they are a complete nightmare to deal with in a business environment. A successful business structure requires team members that will listen to and follow instructions. If you have control freaks on your team it can cause a “too many cooks in the kitchen” problem.

4. Those who are arrogant

Don’t confuse confidence with arrogance -- confident people inspire, while arrogant people intimidate and annoy. Someone with an arrogant attitude feels he or she is better than everyone around them. In a personal setting this can be annoying, while in a professional situation this can create an uncomfortable environment.

5. Those who are victims

The constant victim will always make excuses and blame others for their mistakes and wrongdoing. They are some of the most toxic people to be around -- they will never accept responsibility and always point the finger, which causes a domino affect of the blame game in a work setting. Flush them out of your business and eliminate that headache. 

6. Those who are Negative Nancies

Someone who is always negative will drain your positive energy immediately -- they thrive on bringing everyone down around them. You will never receive any words of encouragement from a Negative Nancy. They will discredit every idea you have and instead of being supportive they will go out of their way to point out every possible way you could fail, rather than focus on possibilities and potential. They are a major energy-suck.

7. Those who are liars

To be successful you have to surround yourself with other successful individuals that you can trust and count on to be there for you. You can’t trust liars and it's hard to count on them because you never know if they are lying or telling the truth. That type of uncertainty will wear you out quickly -- eliminate them from your life and you won’t have to wonder if you are being lied to.

8. Those who are gossipers

People gossip because they are insecure -- they don’t know how to separate fact from speculation and when truths get twisted, the wrong information is conveyed, feelings get hurt and enemies are born. Having a gossiper within your business can be very destructive -- they are cancers and can quickly create a negative environment.
If any of these ring a bell, then there is a good chance you are being exposed to toxic individuals. You should consider removing them from the equation, allowing you to remain 100 percent focused on reaching your goals without unnecessary distractions. 

Sources: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246016

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Madaxweeynaha Dalka Masar iyo Dalka Rwanda

Soomaalida markay arkaan madaxeeynaha ama madaxda dalka oo la kulmay madaxda kale ee caalamka, meesha ugu horeeyso ay ka fiiriyaan sawirka waa inuu calanka soomaaliya dhinac yaalo madaxweeynaha, ayagoo hadii meesha ka waayan eedeeyn iyo canbaareyn duqasha kaga tuuro madaxweeynaha.
Dhibka jira ayaa waxuu yahay soomaalida ayagoo waxbo hubsan ama soo ogaan waxa kalifay in calanka soomaaliya laga waayo kulamada madaxweeyna qaarkod ayey waxay doonan iska dhahaan, lakin ma oga inaay jiraan sharuuc ama maamuus ay ku dhaqmaan dowladaha aduunka markii madaxdu kulmeeyso.
Hadii calanka soomaaliya mesha laga waayo micnaheeda ma aha in soomaaliya la necebyahay ama layasaayo, ee marka hore "Protocols" dowladaha iskula dhaqmaan wax kasoo ogow. dhibatadaan ayaa waxaa sabab u ah dadka soomaaliyeed ayaa inta badan kuwo dhaleecentooda aan ku saleeysneen wax micno ah, markii qofka aad dhaleeyceesiid waxaa jiro sababo ama qaabab lasoo maro, ayadoo dhaleeceentada aysan noqon mid laab la'kac ah lakiin waa inaay noqotaa mid aad qofka wax ka qaldan ugu sheegeysid.

Laakin midaas badalkeeda soomaalida ayaa dhaleeceentoda ah mid qofka kan kale necebyahay ama loolan kala dhaxeeya ama kuxumee katahay. iskusoo wada duboo dhaleeceentada ah noqoto mid aad qofku toosineeysid ama wax ugu sheegeysid si dagaanaasho ah iyo xushmadi ku dheehantahay.

F.G: Sawirada waa madaxweeynaha Masar oo la kulmahay madxeeynaha soomaaliya iyo Rwadan. labada dal ee Rwanda iyo soomaaliya calankooda mesha midne ma yaalo.

Madaxweeynaha Soomaaliya iyo Dhigiisa dalka Masar

Saturday, December 20, 2014

8 Ways to Become the Most Proactive Person You Know

One of the things I often tell my team is, “Be proactive in your own becoming.” This sounds like a weird phrase at first, but when you break it down, it makes sense — and it will put you on the path of achievement.
In short, being proactive in your own becoming is a mix of hustle and problem-solving. I have broken it down into eight key points. Some of them are based on words of wisdom from mentors, and some of them are based on my own experiences. All together, they create a clear path to success.

It’s All About You

No one else is going to get you where you want to go – it’s up to you. Your family and friends are a support system, but that is all they are supposed to be for you. They cannot succeed for you. Only you can do that. Take ownership of your problems, and realize that nobody else is going to solve them for you.

Be Solution-Focused

One of the greatest traits of effective people is good problem-solving skills. We are all going to run into problems. It’s how you handle them that makes you effective. The most effective way to handle a problem is to focus on finding a solution. Focusing on things that are out of your control is a waste of time, so focus on what you can control with the final outcome. Your team will learn to approach problems and solutions effectively if you lead by example.

Be Accountable

Your level of accountability for completing tasks is really important. One of my favorite books is “Predictable Revenue” by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler. Their approach to achieving goals is both simple and effective: set your goal and then work backwards from that goal to establish metrics to track and evaluate it.
It’s important to have a clearly defined goal that is quantifiable so you can determine if you actually reached it or not. For example, a goal to “get in shape” does not make sense. What does that mean? When are you “in shape?” A goal to “run a mile in under 10 minutes” is something you can physically measure and attain.

Use “SMART” Goals

This acronym has been around for a long time and its meaning varies, but the basic concept works across all areas of life. This is the version I use to set goals:
S: Specific (Pick something particular instead of using a broad category.)
M: Measurable (Choose something you can quantify.)
A: Attainable (You should actually be able to reach this, and it may just require the right steps.)
R: Realistic (Be honest – it’s probably unrealistic to say you will go from making $10,000 to being a billionaire in one year.)
T: Timely (Give each goal a time frame to create a sense of urgency.)

Make Your Own Luck

Being successful is not about having the right kind of luck or expecting the right break to come your way. It is not about the mere expectation that you will succeed. It is about taking steps every day to be better than you were the day before by moving in a positive, forward trajectory. Make a blueprint and set out milestones for yourself in specific time frames, or you are not going to hit your goal. Things do not come to fruition just because you really, really want them to happen. You have to make them happen.

Be Consistent

Ultimately, success is not about getting everything right. It is about being consistent. Are you consistently and persistently taking steps every day to steadily move toward your goal? Do you stop making progress or do you continue on when you encounter a seemingly insurmountable problem? Be consistent in what you do. And even though the steps may seem small at the time, doing the right things day in and day out will move you further down the path to success.

Find the Right People

Surrounding yourself with driven, effective people is a proven way to help you succeed. Proximity can be an excellent motivator. You get to choose between driven people and people who will drag you down. You cannot have both and expect to succeed. You cannot spend time with lazy people all day and also achieve your daily goals. Lazy people are like quicksand. They bog you down slowly without you knowing it, until you wake up one day and realize you are consumed by laziness.

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Be humble and take a hard look at what you are doing and how you are doing it. Be completely honest with yourself about what is not working instead of making excuses. It is easy to stay busy and tell yourself you are taking the right steps, but it is harder to be honest if you are not actually making progress. At the end of the day, if you don’t hit your goals, you are only doing a disservice to yourself. You cannot get better if you tell yourself, “Oh, it’s okay, I’m fine where I am.”Living by this approach has made all the difference in my success. Did I miss something you think is important? Please comment on what has worked for you.

N.B. This story was originally published on www.Starupcollective.com

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Buuggani waxuu ku saab sanyahay ama ka hadlayaa “Maraaynta Shaqaalaha iyo Shaqada” ee Afka qalaad lagu yiraahdo. “ Human Resource Management”, Buugga ayaa si qoto dheer u sharxaya dhamaan qodobadda ugu muhiiim ee aan isleeyahay waa in lagu hadlo waa daruuri, Waxaa sidoo kale buuggan uu xanbaarsanyahay faa’idooyin weyn,  asagoo ku qoran luuqadda Afka-Soomaaliga. Waa markii ugu horeeysay oo buuggan xanbaarsan mowdhuucan oo kale lagu qoro aflka Soomaaliga.

Barashada cilmigaan “ Maaraynta Shaaqalaha iyo Shaqada “ ayaa ah mid ku cusub barashadisa soomaalida, inkastoo dhawanahaan barashadiisa laga bilaaway qeybo ka mid ah Jaamacaddaha dalka.

Buuggan ayaa waxuu ka caawin donaa arday badan oo ku jahwarer sanaa barashada madadaan iyo fahanka waxa ay quseeyso iyo ahmiyadda u leedahay inuu qofka soomaliga ah barto, In kastoo dalka qaabka shaqaaleysiinta uu iska yahay mid ku saleeysan qaab waji garasho ah oo mesha ay ka baxday hanaankii xulashada iyo shaqeeysiinta ee ku saleeysnaa aqoonta qofka uu leeyahay shaqada uu markaas doonayo, ayadoo aan loo fiirineeynin qofka uu yahay iyo meshaa uu kasoo jeedo.

Ujeedka ugu dhalisay inaan buugan qoro ayaa ah markii aan arkay qaabka lagu saleeyo kala xulashada dadka shaqadoonka ah, Xaquuqda shalaaha leyihiin iyo mida lagu leeyahay ee shaqada iyo sidii looga hortagi lahaa dhamaan arimahaas iyo caqabadaha kale  ee mudada soo jiray, Markii aan arki shirkadaha dalka ka jira oo haba yaraatee aanan laheeyd qaab siyaasideed u dagsan ee lagu kala xulo goobta shaqada iyo shaqadoonka soomaaliyeed ee wax soo bartay, iyo sidii looga faa’ideeysan lahaa aqoontaaas dhinaca wanaagsan.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Isdhaxyaac Maamuleedka Dowlada Soomaaliya

Astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliya
Sidaan wada oganahayba waxaa jira qawaaniin iyo sharuuc kala asteeysa howl maamuleed kasta oo jira, isla markaane xaduudaysa dhamaan waax/qeyb kasta shaqadeeda u gaarka ah ee markaasi loo igmaday . arintaas oo looga goleeyaha in dhamaan shaqada  sihufan oo jahwareer ku jirin looguto, waxay sidoo kale sahleysaa in ujeedkii iyo hadafkii laga lahaa howshaas ku dhamaato guul iyo waqtigii logu talo galay, Is-dhaxyaacu waa cadawga kowaad ee hor-istaaga kala socoshada dhamaan howl maamuuleedka laga doonayo natiijo wax ku ooleh waqti cayiman.
Ujeedka qoraalka ayaa waxuu yahay inaan iftiimiyo dhamaan meelaha ay ka jiraan isdhax-yaaca maameleed ka jiraan iyo wax keenaya arintaas manta jirta oo noqotay mida kaliye ee hortaagan hore usocodka iyo ka mira-dhalinta dhamaan howlaha horyaala hay’adaha dowlada feredaalka soomaaliya ee maanta shaqeeynaya.  Sida  muuqata waxaa jira iska marqab la’aan baahsan u dhaxeeysa dhaman wasaaraddaha dowlada iyo waaxyaha hoos-imaada, waxaa sidoo kale jirin xariir howled dhaxal gal ah, arintaas ayaa waxaa sabab u ah hogaaan xume baahsan oo ka jirto dadka ugu sareeya hayadahah dowlada talada ka go’do iyo aqoon la’aan xaga maamulka ah oo ka jirta guud ahaan hayadahaha dowlada iyo shaqaalahoda u qaabilsan fulinta shaqada.

Waxaad sidoo kale aad arkaysaa oo la’ayaab leh iyadoo shaqo laga rabay wasaarrad ka mid ah dowlada oo wasaarada kale ku mashquulsantahay qabashada howlahaas aan ahayn waxii loo igmaday,  Hadaan tusaale usoo qaato; waxaa dhawanahan saxaafada soomaaliya baahisay amaro adag uu bixiyey madaxa hay’ada amiga iyo sirdoonka soomaliya oo ku sheegay in dhamaan meelaha laga soo galo magaalada muqdish aay noqon donaan dhowr goobood iyo sidoo kale sharuudo adag duldhigay shacabka kabaxaya magaalada iyo kuwa soogala, amaradaas oo ah kuwo aanan laga soo fakirin isla markaane kasoo bixin meshaa awooda u laheyd ama howlahaas u xilsaarneyd dowlada.

Hadaba yaa bixini karo amarka nocaas oo kale ah, ma madax haayad amni mise wasaarada arimaha gudahaha, mida kale away wasiirkii arimahaas la rabay inuu ka hadlo, ayadoo aan oganahay in hayadda amniga hoos imaado wasaarada arimaha  difaaca lakiin hadane waax kamid ah waaxyahaha wasaarada arimaha gudahaha oo aanan kaligeeyd ka gaari Karin go’aanka inataas la eg, go’aankaas oo u bahaan in lagala tashado dhamaan qolyahaha ay kusaayso arintaan sida wasaarada arimaha gudaha.
Hadane hadii hay’adaha  ama wasaarad ka mid ah wasaaradaha dowlada go’aan gareeyso waxaa laga maarmaan ah in go’aankaas lug ku yeshaan dhamaan dhinacyada ay ku qusayso arintaas, dhinac yadaas ayaa noqon kara wasaraado kale iyo gudiga barlamaanka u qaabilsan amniga iyo arimaha gudahaha.  Tusaale ahaan; Arinta noocan oo kale ah waxaa marka kowaad laga rabaa in amaradaas kasoo baxaan wasaarada arimaha gudaha, wasaarada arimaha gudahaha waa inaay ogeysiisaa hayadaha amaanka ee hoos yimaada wasaarada difaaca, wadatashi iyo falanqeyn lagu sameeyaa amaradaas iyo dhibaada iyo faa’ida uu yeelan karo shacabka gobtaas ku nool, iyadoo laga eegayo saameyn dhaqaale, arimaha bulshada uu sameeyn doono mustaqbalka.
waxaa nasiib daro ah in waax ka mida ah wasaarad amar intaas la eg duldhigto dad shacab ah, arintaan waxay cadaayn u tahay inay jirto isdhax-yaac ku dhisan aqoon daro maamuleed iyo dano shaqsi. Dhibaatada kale ee is-dhaxyaaca xaga maamulka keenay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah ayadoo masuuliyiinta xililka haya aaysanba ogeeyn maqaamkooda iyo awooda maamuleed, waxaa dhacday marar badan oo aad arkaysaa in wasiiro la kulmaya masuuliyiin ka socdo NGOs, Hayadaha gargaarka ayadoo joogaan dhigooda wasaarada, sida madax waaxeedka qabilsan arintaas, laakin midaas badalkeeda aad arkaaysid inay jirto arinta ah yaan lagaga hormarin la kulanka masuuliyiinta.
Sababta ugu badan ee keenaya is-dhaxyaacaan ka jira hayadaha dowlada ayaa waxaa kow ka ah musuq-maasuqa baahsan eek u dhisan shaqsida laga soo bilaawo wasiirka ilaa shaqaalaha ugu hoseeya maamulka iyo damiir la’aanta, dabacsaanta ka jirta qabashada shaqada qaranka, la xisaabtan la’aanta dhunsashada hantida shacabka, sidaan horay usoo sheegayba waxaa jirin shaqaalo u dhisan howshaas, iyadoo aan oganahay qaabka lagu keenay shaqada. Intaas oo dhibaato ayadoo ka jirto hayadahaha dowlada ayaa hadane waxaan jirin dadaalkii laga rabay masuuliyiinta iska sareeyn sidii loo hormarin lahaa aqoonta shaqaalahooda.
Talo Soo jeedin
Waxaan u soo jeedinayaa masuuliyiinta xilka qaranka haya inay iska dhafaan ku mashquulka howlaha ka baxsan waxii loo igmaday iyo arintaan ah maxaa iga galay aniga bari waan ka tagayaa shadaan aan maanta hayo, ogow waxaad u shaqeeyneyso waa dhamaan shacabka soomaliyeed adigane aad ka mid tahay, waaxaa wanaagsan in shaqsi kale shaqo aad u qaban laheyd qaranka aadan dartiis u dhaaftid adigoo ku xumaaynaya dano shaqsi oo idin ka dhaxeeya.
W/Q Mohamed H. Abdirahman (MPA)
Mr.Abdirahman Waa Qoraa, Cilmibaare ka tirsan Xarunta Muqdisho ee Cilmibaarista & Daraasaadka.

Friday, October 9, 2015

8 Toxic Types of People You Should Keep Out of Your Life

Toxic individuals are completely exhausting to be around and they can have a negative impact on your forward momentum. Entrepreneurs need to remain laser focused -- the distractions and stress that toxic people bring into your life act as unnecessary obstacles, so it is best to avoid them.
You probably know a few toxic people -- they might work for you, you might be friends with some or you might even live with someone toxic. The sooner you remove them from your life, the better. Here are eight toxic types of people you should steer clear of.

1. Those who are judgmental

Judgmental people will find a way to criticize anything and everything they come in contact with. You could take the time to explain something to them in great detail but it goes in one ear and out the other. They come to their conclusions before they hear any facts -- they don’t listen well and are horrible at communicating. Asking for advice or feedback from a judgmental person is a complete waste of time.

2. Those who are envious 

Being an entrepreneur can be a very bumpy journey filled with highs and lows -- while it’s important to have a strong group of supporters in your corner during the low times it’s also important to have supporters that are there to congratulate you when you hit the high points. Envious people will not be happy for you -- ever. They feel that it should happen to them and nobody else. 

3. Those who are control freaks

Control freaks don’t ever want to listen -- they don’t have to, because according to them they know everything and they know the best way to do everything. While this type of person can be a nuisance in your personal life, they are a complete nightmare to deal with in a business environment. A successful business structure requires team members that will listen to and follow instructions. If you have control freaks on your team it can cause a “too many cooks in the kitchen” problem.

4. Those who are arrogant

Don’t confuse confidence with arrogance -- confident people inspire, while arrogant people intimidate and annoy. Someone with an arrogant attitude feels he or she is better than everyone around them. In a personal setting this can be annoying, while in a professional situation this can create an uncomfortable environment.

5. Those who are victims

The constant victim will always make excuses and blame others for their mistakes and wrongdoing. They are some of the most toxic people to be around -- they will never accept responsibility and always point the finger, which causes a domino affect of the blame game in a work setting. Flush them out of your business and eliminate that headache. 

6. Those who are Negative Nancies

Someone who is always negative will drain your positive energy immediately -- they thrive on bringing everyone down around them. You will never receive any words of encouragement from a Negative Nancy. They will discredit every idea you have and instead of being supportive they will go out of their way to point out every possible way you could fail, rather than focus on possibilities and potential. They are a major energy-suck.

7. Those who are liars

To be successful you have to surround yourself with other successful individuals that you can trust and count on to be there for you. You can’t trust liars and it's hard to count on them because you never know if they are lying or telling the truth. That type of uncertainty will wear you out quickly -- eliminate them from your life and you won’t have to wonder if you are being lied to.

8. Those who are gossipers

People gossip because they are insecure -- they don’t know how to separate fact from speculation and when truths get twisted, the wrong information is conveyed, feelings get hurt and enemies are born. Having a gossiper within your business can be very destructive -- they are cancers and can quickly create a negative environment.
If any of these ring a bell, then there is a good chance you are being exposed to toxic individuals. You should consider removing them from the equation, allowing you to remain 100 percent focused on reaching your goals without unnecessary distractions. 

Sources: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/246016

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Madaxweeynaha Dalka Masar iyo Dalka Rwanda

Soomaalida markay arkaan madaxeeynaha ama madaxda dalka oo la kulmay madaxda kale ee caalamka, meesha ugu horeeyso ay ka fiiriyaan sawirka waa inuu calanka soomaaliya dhinac yaalo madaxweeynaha, ayagoo hadii meesha ka waayan eedeeyn iyo canbaareyn duqasha kaga tuuro madaxweeynaha.
Dhibka jira ayaa waxuu yahay soomaalida ayagoo waxbo hubsan ama soo ogaan waxa kalifay in calanka soomaaliya laga waayo kulamada madaxweeyna qaarkod ayey waxay doonan iska dhahaan, lakin ma oga inaay jiraan sharuuc ama maamuus ay ku dhaqmaan dowladaha aduunka markii madaxdu kulmeeyso.
Hadii calanka soomaaliya mesha laga waayo micnaheeda ma aha in soomaaliya la necebyahay ama layasaayo, ee marka hore "Protocols" dowladaha iskula dhaqmaan wax kasoo ogow. dhibatadaan ayaa waxaa sabab u ah dadka soomaaliyeed ayaa inta badan kuwo dhaleecentooda aan ku saleeysneen wax micno ah, markii qofka aad dhaleeyceesiid waxaa jiro sababo ama qaabab lasoo maro, ayadoo dhaleeceentada aysan noqon mid laab la'kac ah lakiin waa inaay noqotaa mid aad qofka wax ka qaldan ugu sheegeysid.

Laakin midaas badalkeeda soomaalida ayaa dhaleeceentoda ah mid qofka kan kale necebyahay ama loolan kala dhaxeeya ama kuxumee katahay. iskusoo wada duboo dhaleeceentada ah noqoto mid aad qofku toosineeysid ama wax ugu sheegeysid si dagaanaasho ah iyo xushmadi ku dheehantahay.

F.G: Sawirada waa madaxweeynaha Masar oo la kulmahay madxeeynaha soomaaliya iyo Rwadan. labada dal ee Rwanda iyo soomaaliya calankooda mesha midne ma yaalo.

Madaxweeynaha Soomaaliya iyo Dhigiisa dalka Masar

Saturday, December 20, 2014

8 Ways to Become the Most Proactive Person You Know

One of the things I often tell my team is, “Be proactive in your own becoming.” This sounds like a weird phrase at first, but when you break it down, it makes sense — and it will put you on the path of achievement.
In short, being proactive in your own becoming is a mix of hustle and problem-solving. I have broken it down into eight key points. Some of them are based on words of wisdom from mentors, and some of them are based on my own experiences. All together, they create a clear path to success.

It’s All About You

No one else is going to get you where you want to go – it’s up to you. Your family and friends are a support system, but that is all they are supposed to be for you. They cannot succeed for you. Only you can do that. Take ownership of your problems, and realize that nobody else is going to solve them for you.

Be Solution-Focused

One of the greatest traits of effective people is good problem-solving skills. We are all going to run into problems. It’s how you handle them that makes you effective. The most effective way to handle a problem is to focus on finding a solution. Focusing on things that are out of your control is a waste of time, so focus on what you can control with the final outcome. Your team will learn to approach problems and solutions effectively if you lead by example.

Be Accountable

Your level of accountability for completing tasks is really important. One of my favorite books is “Predictable Revenue” by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler. Their approach to achieving goals is both simple and effective: set your goal and then work backwards from that goal to establish metrics to track and evaluate it.
It’s important to have a clearly defined goal that is quantifiable so you can determine if you actually reached it or not. For example, a goal to “get in shape” does not make sense. What does that mean? When are you “in shape?” A goal to “run a mile in under 10 minutes” is something you can physically measure and attain.

Use “SMART” Goals

This acronym has been around for a long time and its meaning varies, but the basic concept works across all areas of life. This is the version I use to set goals:
S: Specific (Pick something particular instead of using a broad category.)
M: Measurable (Choose something you can quantify.)
A: Attainable (You should actually be able to reach this, and it may just require the right steps.)
R: Realistic (Be honest – it’s probably unrealistic to say you will go from making $10,000 to being a billionaire in one year.)
T: Timely (Give each goal a time frame to create a sense of urgency.)

Make Your Own Luck

Being successful is not about having the right kind of luck or expecting the right break to come your way. It is not about the mere expectation that you will succeed. It is about taking steps every day to be better than you were the day before by moving in a positive, forward trajectory. Make a blueprint and set out milestones for yourself in specific time frames, or you are not going to hit your goal. Things do not come to fruition just because you really, really want them to happen. You have to make them happen.

Be Consistent

Ultimately, success is not about getting everything right. It is about being consistent. Are you consistently and persistently taking steps every day to steadily move toward your goal? Do you stop making progress or do you continue on when you encounter a seemingly insurmountable problem? Be consistent in what you do. And even though the steps may seem small at the time, doing the right things day in and day out will move you further down the path to success.

Find the Right People

Surrounding yourself with driven, effective people is a proven way to help you succeed. Proximity can be an excellent motivator. You get to choose between driven people and people who will drag you down. You cannot have both and expect to succeed. You cannot spend time with lazy people all day and also achieve your daily goals. Lazy people are like quicksand. They bog you down slowly without you knowing it, until you wake up one day and realize you are consumed by laziness.

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Be humble and take a hard look at what you are doing and how you are doing it. Be completely honest with yourself about what is not working instead of making excuses. It is easy to stay busy and tell yourself you are taking the right steps, but it is harder to be honest if you are not actually making progress. At the end of the day, if you don’t hit your goals, you are only doing a disservice to yourself. You cannot get better if you tell yourself, “Oh, it’s okay, I’m fine where I am.”Living by this approach has made all the difference in my success. Did I miss something you think is important? Please comment on what has worked for you.

N.B. This story was originally published on www.Starupcollective.com

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Buuggani waxuu ku saab sanyahay ama ka hadlayaa “Maraaynta Shaqaalaha iyo Shaqada” ee Afka qalaad lagu yiraahdo. “ Human Resource Management”, Buugga ayaa si qoto dheer u sharxaya dhamaan qodobadda ugu muhiiim ee aan isleeyahay waa in lagu hadlo waa daruuri, Waxaa sidoo kale buuggan uu xanbaarsanyahay faa’idooyin weyn,  asagoo ku qoran luuqadda Afka-Soomaaliga. Waa markii ugu horeeysay oo buuggan xanbaarsan mowdhuucan oo kale lagu qoro aflka Soomaaliga.

Barashada cilmigaan “ Maaraynta Shaaqalaha iyo Shaqada “ ayaa ah mid ku cusub barashadisa soomaalida, inkastoo dhawanahaan barashadiisa laga bilaaway qeybo ka mid ah Jaamacaddaha dalka.

Buuggan ayaa waxuu ka caawin donaa arday badan oo ku jahwarer sanaa barashada madadaan iyo fahanka waxa ay quseeyso iyo ahmiyadda u leedahay inuu qofka soomaliga ah barto, In kastoo dalka qaabka shaqaaleysiinta uu iska yahay mid ku saleeysan qaab waji garasho ah oo mesha ay ka baxday hanaankii xulashada iyo shaqeeysiinta ee ku saleeysnaa aqoonta qofka uu leeyahay shaqada uu markaas doonayo, ayadoo aan loo fiirineeynin qofka uu yahay iyo meshaa uu kasoo jeedo.

Ujeedka ugu dhalisay inaan buugan qoro ayaa ah markii aan arkay qaabka lagu saleeyo kala xulashada dadka shaqadoonka ah, Xaquuqda shalaaha leyihiin iyo mida lagu leeyahay ee shaqada iyo sidii looga hortagi lahaa dhamaan arimahaas iyo caqabadaha kale  ee mudada soo jiray, Markii aan arki shirkadaha dalka ka jira oo haba yaraatee aanan laheeyd qaab siyaasideed u dagsan ee lagu kala xulo goobta shaqada iyo shaqadoonka soomaaliyeed ee wax soo bartay, iyo sidii looga faa’ideeysan lahaa aqoontaaas dhinaca wanaagsan.